Managing Tasks

Tasks can be added, edited and deleted. Each operation can be done when in the Tasks section or in the Calendar section. When you are in the Calendar section, only the task for the selected Resource is displayed. heart See "Managing Resources" for more information.

helper To Go To The Tasks Section

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Tasks", or
rightarrowClick on the Main Section Toolbar icon: Tasks, or
rightarrowPress the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+4

helper To Go To The Calendar Section

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Calendar", or
rightarrowClick on the Main Section Toolbar icon: Calendar, or
rightarrowPress the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+2

helper To Add A New Task

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "Tasks/Add a New Task", or
rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "Calendar/Add a New Task", or
rightarrowRight Click on the Tasks List and choose "Add a new Task", or
rightarrowClick on the Main Toolbar icon:  "Add a New Task", or
rightarrowClick on the Tasks Toolbar icon:  (located above the Tasks List)

With the Task's Details window open, edit the details as needed:


Enter some descriptive text.

eg: Write product sales objectives


Choose from the list of available types that best suits this task.


By default, this will be the currently selected Resource. However, you may choose to assign this task to a different Resource. See "Managing Resources" for more information.

Due Date

Enter the date when the task is due to be finished. This can be left blank if the date is unknown.

Start Date

Enter the date when the task was started. This can be left blank if the date is unknown or the task hasn't started yet.


Choose from the list of available types that best suits this task.

Not Started: This task has not started yet.

In Progress: This task has started and is in currently in progress.

Completed: This task has finished.

Waiting on someone: This task has started but is waiting for some human input. eg: waiting for the sales executive to come back from holiday.

Waiting for something: This task has started but is waiting for some physical input. eg: waiting for a component part.

Deferred: This task has been put back, delayed until a later time.


Choose from the list of available priorities that best suits this task.

Important: This task is an integral key point.

Normal: This task is a normal task.

Urgent: This task has some time constraints and needs attention.

Complete %

Enter the approximate amount of work complete for this task. When you choose the Status (above) of the task, you will notice this "Complete %" will automatically enter some figure.


If you wish to be automatically notified when this task is due, place a tick in this check box.

Reminder date

Only enabled if you choose "Reminder" (above).

Enter the date when the reminder should be announced.

Reminder time

Only enabled if you choose "Reminder" (above).

Enter the time when the reminder should be announced.

Sound (button)

To play a sound file when the reminder is announced, click on this button to open and load a WAVE compatible sound file.


Enter any plain text to describe this task.

Font (button)

To make this task stand out in the Task List, you could choose a different font size, style or colour.

Bkgrd (button)

To make this task stand out in the Task List, you could choose a different background colour.


You may enter any text here. You could use it to store an office location or the name of a web site.


You may enter any date here. You could use it to store a notable date that may be important to this task.

Files (tab)

You can assign certain files on your hard disk that are related to this task. For example: if you are design some logo, you could attach a link to some clipart or the actual project file.

Note: This doesn't insert the actual file data, this only adds a link to the filename to the task. If you move the file to a different location on your hard disk, then this filename link will be invalidate.

heart See "Attachments List" for further information.


This is not used directly in doogiePIM. You could use this to indicate if this task is private or not.

When you are satisfied with the details you have entered, click on Save to save the details or click on Cancel to cancel any changes made.

helper To Select A Task

rightarrowLeft click on the Task List where the task is displayed. The task is selected when it's highlight colour is shown.

helper To Edit An Existing Task's Details

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "Tasks/Edit Selected Task", or
rightarrowDouble Click on the Task in Tasks List.

The operation of editing is the same as adding. See the details above for more information.

helper To Delete An Existing Task

rightarrowChoose from the Main Menu "Task/Delete Selected Task"

Related Topics

Introduction to Tasks

Managing Tasks

Linking Tasks